Welcome to Lucca's Pokemon Collection

Just a kid who loves being a kid

My Pokestory

I have always been a fan of pokemon. From playing the first games with my best freind Ruby on our game boys, to camping out with my boy Tejas outside of Gamestop to get the newest release, it has always been a part of me. My little brother and I would collect a lot when we were kids and the memories are so special to me. I have always found a connection to it because of how much value I place on memories. Every time I get something cool, it becomes a part of me in some weird way. In my opinion the coolest parts are the art and the community. The community is just a bunch of great people who all share a weird niche intrest. The art on the cards are also gorgeous with differnt artists and styles, there is always beautiful cards coming out. You can also look at it as an investment. I have made alot of money from Pokemon, you will see this in the "My Loves" section below.

Cool art

Pokemon art is always different due to the different artists and companies that make them. Making each one unique and gorgeous


I hold some cards with amazing memories that make me always being me nostalgia when I look at them.


The sellers, collectors, and fans of the franchise are, for the most part, kind and open-minded towards everyone.

My loves

When I was 13 years old, I saved up $50 by doing chores around the house to be able to buy these poncho cards. I was not looking at them as an investment, but as I really cool piece for my collection. As the years went by, I kept on checking the prices. They would go up here and there, but I truly never knew the actual value because they were not ungraded yet. I sent them in to get graded by the PSA grading company, and they came back with a value of $2.500. I went to collect-a-con in Atlanta, Georgia in Febuary of 2025 and cashed out for $3,000 cash.

  • Greatest investment of all time!

Gengar & Memikyu GX Tag-team

I found this Gengar tag-team card on the ground at a pokemon convention!

Ivysaur 151 Full Art

I pulled this bad boy from a 151 booster bundle after waiting outside for 4 hours!

Japanese 151 Charmander

I traded for this card at a pokemon shop in Dallas with my little brother.

Charizard Illustration Rare

Pulled this from a singular pack with my boy Tejas, he also pulled a sick card!

Top 3 Most Expensive cards

These are my prized posessions and my most valuable tangible assets. These are my babies.

Dark Charizard


Gen 1 Fossile Moltres


Jungle Flarion
