Project 2

Panel 1

Panel 1

For panel one, my main struggles came from intergrating bootstrap to html in the format that I wanted. The nav bar looks super complete and every link takes you to the place you want it to. I spent a lot of time trying to set up my grids and get them to function properly with my images. It was super tedious, but in the long run it worked out. The gallery was a feature that I was proud of with buttons on the side that funtion to move from each image. At first, I was having trouble with the image sizing, but it worked out in the end. One of my biggest struggles was the button to get the picture to pop up. I spent so much time on it, but it still doesn't look the best.

Panel 2

Panel 2

Panel two was great. It was very smooth and transfering my content to the template went over well. It took time to find my template, but when I did it was a great process. It made me feel a lot better about my website and changing some of the template to fit my vibe was awesome. The only set back I had was swimming through all the code to find the parts that I wanted, but that is it. The gallery part where I show my 4 favorite cards was neat because I was able to tell the story behind them, which I was not able to do before. One thing that held back the look was the font and the colors, but of course that was fixed in panel 3.

Panel 3

Panel 3

Panel three was amazing. I was able to get my google font in to get the pokemon theme to really pop. I was also able to get a cool button on the picture of my ponchos to show the money I got from them. The whole website felt complete with colors to go with the fire cards and charizard being my favorite pokemon. It might not look like a lot, but I changed the shade of orange to reflect the color of charizard. The theme was already orange, just not the orange that I wanted. The gallery part also changes the font to orange so when you hover over the image there is no text in your way to see the beauty of the card I was also super satisfied with how everything came together and how polished it all was. My biggest setback was going through the mountain of CSS code to pick apart the pieces I needed. I learned so much about what boostrap can do, and the abilites of CSS and bootstrap together. Overall, I was very pleased with my Pokemon collection website and how bootstrap made everything come together so nicely.